Myanmar Win-Win Consulting is one of the leading professional consulting firms in Myanmar. We have started this consulting businesses together with facing new challenges from 2017. It Founded in 2019 in accordance with Myanmar Companies Law. We provide various kinds of legal services related to Corporate compliance for Local and Foreign investors. We has grown into an extensive network in government relations and corporate fields. Our organization is a recognized organization in Myanmar since its establishment, we had a large number of Clients with Our team of professional persons. We aim to provide the best service with responsibility to our clients by fulfilling their needed in various industries such as Company Incorporation, Proposal for Myanmar Investment Commission(MIC) and Endorsement, Legal Contract, Environmental requirements, Financial Accounting & Auditing, Taxation, Environmental requirements, Applying and Renew Passport, e-Visa, Stay Permit and Single & Multiple Re-entry Visa, Membership, License, Certificates, Insurance, translating and other related services. We prefer One Stop Service (OSS) to convenience our clients and then want to grow their business by investing in Myanmar. 




We approach our clients by providing the best service with responsibility to fulfill their business needs. Our professional team had well-experienced to advise Business plan, Legal Procedure, Advantages & Disadvantages  who want to invest in Myanmar. We usually take care Client’s information and trust and then other feedback from any person based on positive thinking. We always emphasize our team to improve business knowledge and other general legal knowledge by fulfilling their careers and life . So, we fully believe that the success of our clients is our success in accordance with our purpose of growing up together, sharing happiness. We are always trying the best for our clients to provide the best service than before in the future.


我们通过提供自身最好的服务来我们接触的客户,并负责任的满足他们的业务需求。 我们的专业团队经验丰富,可以为有意在缅甸投资的人/公司提供商业计划、法律程序,分析优势和劣势及提供建议。我们会妥善保管客户的信息,取得他们的信任,并对客户的反馈深刻思考并作出积极回应。 我们的团队通过完成自身业务来提高商业素养及完善自身的法律知识,以期能给予客户最好的服务。 因此,我们坚信客户的成功就是我们的成功,符合我们公司的宗旨,合作共赢。 我们将继续努力,为我们的客户提供最好的服务。